7 Best Things to Do in Khao Yai National Park

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⃝ Camping

1. Birdwatching

Khao Yai National Park is a beautiful bird-watching place that has been registered as It is known as the “Important Bird Area” (IBA) as it has more than 282 species of birds, both resident and migratory. Birds that are easily visible are the Siam Fireback, the blue-winged Pitta. 4  such as the great hornbill, the oriental pied hornbill, the wreathed hornbill, and Austen’s brown hornbill.

Flying Hornbil Khao Yai National Park
Flying hornbill

When it's quiet, a variety of birds can be found throughout the national park. especially tourist attractions such as the Visitor Center, Pha Kluay Mai, Nong Phak Corian, and Doctor Boonsong Camp Haew Suwat Waterfall and Khao Kheow Nature Trails in National Parks It's also a good place for bird watching. 

Recommended times for bird watching: In the morning and evening when birds are tricky for food.

Prepare to birdwatch and find birds easier.

When birdwatching, wear clothing that blends in with its surroundings, such as dark green, gray, or brown, which won't frighten the bird or make it easy to spot. This will give you a chance to get closer to the birds. 

Clothing should belong sleeves to protect you from the sun and thorns. Shoes should be comfortable and don't forget socks, which will prevent chafing while walking. If you are going to go bird watching in the mountains Bring a coat or sweater for the cold weather. In the rainy season, a raincoat is a must.

For bird watching, while hiking on nature trails Binoculars or portable telescopes are popular accessories. You will be able to see the birds clearly in the distance. and can observe their shape, feathers, and behavior as if they were nearby.

Bird Watching Ethics

1. Birds should be important - observation, photography, audio recording. or any type of academic education Determine if the activity is a disturbing or difficult task for the bird.

2. Always abide by conservation laws. Where do you follow conservation laws? There must always be respect.

3. Respect the rights of others in the place with other bird watchers. Don't startle the birds so they can fly away and assume that someone else is using the space. If they are not bird watchers Do not disturb their activities

4. If you find conservation of rare or rare migratory nests always a top priority. Protect as many birds as you can and tell only those who should know, otherwise the site could be compromised by other bird watchers and disturb the birds.

5. Report your bird observations to the relevant person or organization. Because it is information that will help conserve birds in the future.

6. Conserve bird habitat Bird watching activities should not invade or destroy bird habitats or tarnish them in any way. 

2. Camping

One of the must-do activities in Khao Yai in winter is camping in the midst of nature surrounded by forests and streams. It is recommended for those who escape from the urban jungle. or find time to spend with family or friends It is very dark at night because there is no light pollution and many stars can be seen in the sky.

Currently, Khao Yai National Park There is one open camp, which is Camp Lam Ta Khong, a large open field by the river. which is the habitat of the otters It is surrounded by trees that are home to monkeys and gibbons. Deer can also find food. Although very close to nature But the campground has all the modern amenities. Read More: Khao Yai National Park Accommodation And Camping

3. Trekking nature trails

One can't-miss activity in Khao Yai National Park is short trekking on seven nature trails to choose from. Get ready to study nature!

The nature trail in Khao Yai National Park consists of 7 short trails, ranging from 1.2 to 8 km, and walking time from 45 minutes to 6 hours, with no overnight stays on the trail. Most of the trails retain their natural features and run through mature forests. There are signs along the way to prevent you from leaving the path. Novice hikers and nature students can walk these trails on their own.

What you need for trekking in Khao Yai

1. Check route availability - All 7 nature trails are open at different times. Also, check the weather on the day of the trek.
2. Study the route, and make the necessary preparations. and trekking ethics
3. Contact the Khao Yai National Park Visitor Center to register and request permission to trek through your chosen nature trail. Some routes cannot trek alone. And there are guide services for the safety of visitors.
4. Start trekking on your authorized nature trail.

Additional information : +66 (0) 86-0926529, +66 (0) 81-0639241

Trail No.1: Visitor Center – Kong Kaew Waterfall
This is the shortest and easiest nature trail to hike. Suitable for tourists of all ages There are interspersed rainforests with dry evergreen forests in excellent condition. Along the way is precious agarwood with the fresh scent of fire. 

Animals found may include gibbons, gibbons, and a variety of birds. At the end of the way is Kong Kaeo Waterfall, where the wild stream flows cool and refreshing from volcanic rocks and freshwater swamp forests. There is both photography and education.
  • 1.2 km distance – a one-way circular route back to the starting point. 
  • Approximate duration of trekking: 45 minutes - 1 hour.
  • Tour guide: not required
  • Starting point: Suspension Bridge behind the Visitor Center
  • Endpoint: Suspension Bridge behind the National Park Office Visitor Center
  • Open all year
Trail No.2: Pha Kluai Mai Campground – Haew Suwat Waterfall (160 th Anniversary Thai - German Friendship Trail)
This nature trail connects two waterfalls along Lam Ta Khong Stream and alternates periodically between a bamboo forest and a dry forest. Along the way, you can hear the thunder of Pha Kluay Mai Waterfall during the rainy season. 

But when the water level drops in the dry season You can see traces of lava flow from volcanoes hundreds of millions of years ago. There is also the flower of Polypleurum, a newly reported species that sprouts between rocks. along with the Renanthera orchid (“Wai Daeng”), which gives the waterfall its name from the white and red flowers that bloom around the waterfall during April.

Many species are found near water bodies, such as butterflies, water dragons, and otters, among which are tree gibbons, hornbills, and hawks foraging for food. At the end of the experiment, there was a rock platform in the stream, which was only visible during the dry season.
  • Distance: 3 km one way
  • Use time: 2 hours
  • Tour guide: not required
  • Starting point: Pha Kluay Camp
  • Endpoint: Haew Suwat Waterfall
  • Open all year
Trail No.3: Km. 33 – Nong Phak Chi (90th Anniversary Thai - Switzerland Friendship Trail)
This nature walk highlights the diversity of different forests – arid forests, secondary forests, and grasslands. The trail is shaded by tall trees such as banyan and Javan plums. Their delicious fruits attract many birds and animals to become The "Wildlife Restaurant" features giant basil trees that are unique to the Dong Phaya Yen complex.

 It is also a feeding route for elephants and bulls. So you may come across their footprints or droppings. You may see a pair of hornbills nesting in hollow trees. Or a gibbon swinging around collecting fruit when arriving at Nong Phak Coriander Watchtower You'll see many animals near the water and licking salt in the grass, such as elephants, bulls, gibbons, hornbills, and insects.
  • Distance: 4.2 km one way
  • Use time: 2.5 - 3 hours
  • Route Guide: Mandatory
  • Starting point: On the roadside, Km. 33, important events
  • Endpoint: Adjacent to the roadside km. 35 steps, about 1 km from the observatory.
  • Open all year
Trail No.4:Dong Tiw – Sai Sorn Reservoir
This one-way route leads to Sai Son Reservoir. beautiful sunset viewpoint The route passes through the dry evergreen forest, which is the habitat of the gibbons. During the rainy season, there are many beautiful flowers such as balloon trees, begonias, and mossiest, the highlight of which is the centuries-old giant banyan tree. 

The secondary forest is relatively open and offers the opportunity to see a variety of birds such as the Blue-eared bulbul, the striped-necked bulbul, the black-crested bulbul, and the green-mouthed malgoha.
  • Distance: 2.7 km one way
  • It takes 1.5 - 2 hours.
  • Route Guide: Mandatory
  • Starting point: beside Thanarat Road 200 meters from the Sai Son Reservoir Visitor Center
  • Endpoint: Sai Son Reservoir
  • Open all year
Trail No.5:Dong Tiw – Nong Phak Chi
The trail starts at the same site as Route 4. It is a nature trail with a variety of forests, such as arid forests, secondary forests, and grasslands, and alternates between smooth basins and steep paths up and down. 

The highlight of this route is the giant bamboo trees that are centuries old. In the rainy season, you can see wild mushrooms with strange shapes and colors. The trail is a foraging area for many animals such as elephants, bears, hornbills, and gibbons. 

The last part of the trail leads to Nong Phak Corian Observatory. where you can watch large and small animals foraging by the water's edge in the grasslands, and possibly encounter elephants, gaur, gibbons, hornbills, and many more.
  • Distance: 5.5 km one way
  • Use time: 3 hours
  • Route Guide: Mandatory
  • Starting point: beside Thanarat Road 200 meters from the Sai Son Reservoir Visitor Center
  • Endpoint: Adjacent to the roadside km. 35 steps, about 1 km from Nong Phak Chi Observatory.
  • Open all year

*Caution: During the rainy season, it may not be possible to cross the stream.

Trail No.6:Visitor Center - Haew Suwat Waterfall
This nature trail is a huge nature lesson and the distance is quite long. The forest along the way has both moist evergreen forests and dry evergreen forests alternating with bamboo groves. Along the way, there are many plants to see, including rosewood and fragrant agarwood. 

There are also massive, dense ferns and animals such as elephants, gibbons, Asian black bears, and hornbills. It is a challenging route with many twists and turns. and is a way to find food for wild elephants So the path can be confusing. And hence an experienced guide is required.
  • Distance: 8 km one way
  • Use time: 6 hours
  • Route Guide: Mandatory
  • Starting point: Suspension Bridge behind the Visitor Center
  • Endpoint: Haew Suwat Waterfall
  • Route closed: 1 July - 31 August

*WARNING: This route should begin before 10 AM. Prepare packed lunches.

Trail No.7:Thai-American Friendship Trail
Khao Yai National Park's latest route celebrates the long and friendly relationship between Thailand and the United States. In addition to having a marker of historical relations. The trail also meets US national park standards through the Sister Parks Arrangement for Resources and Knowledge Sharing (SPARK). 

The trail uses different ecological areas, such as dry evergreen forests, secondary forests, and grasslands. Common wildlife includes: Pheasants, pheasants, gibbons, and hornbills
  • Distance: 2 km one-way circular route back to the starting point
  • Use time: 1.5 hours
  • Is a tour guide necessary?: No
  • Starting point: Sai Sorn Reservoir
  • Endpoint: the end of Sai Son Reservoir
  • Open all year

4. Night Safari

Night Safari in Khao Yai National Park

Many species are nocturnal, such as wild deer, Malay urchins, large Indian civets, Asian civets, wild elephants, owls, and nocturnal bottles. The Night Safari is another interesting activity that offers visitors the chance to see wildlife at night.

Night Safari  in Khao Yai National Park

To join the Night Safari Inquiries and reservations can be made at the Khao Yai Visitor Center. At the service counter before 6pm, no nighttime wildlife viewing is prohibited for your own safety and for the orderly management of the national park. 

Night Safari  in Khao Yai National Park

Park rangers arrange high-bed pickup trucks to view the animals with guides and high-powered flashlights to see the animals. Ready to educate on the route defined by the Kwai National Park, a distance of 10 km, takes approximately 1 hour, 2 rounds per day, which is 19.00 to 20.00 and 20.00 to 21.00.
Night Safari  in Khao Yai National Park

The service fee is 600 baht per car.
(capacity no more than 10)

When making contact
1. Book and pay at the Visitor Center and receive your Night Safari receipt before 6:00pm on Safari Day.

2. Please wait at the Visitor Center. or pick up from the campground or accommodation 15 minutes before the scheduled pick up time

3. Depart for Night Safari

More information: Night Safari Department +66 (0) 86-0926529, +66 (0) 81-0639241

*** Visitors are prohibited from viewing the nocturnal animals on their own without the protection of rangers. because it can be dangerous If a visitor is detected, you will be fined 500 baht.

How to behave in a Night Safari

  1. Please keep quiet when viewing the animals and study their behavior without disturbing them or other visitors.
  2. Follow the rules and instructions of the Rangers strictly.
  3. Do not feed animals that will interfere with their natural behavior.
  4. Do not use flash photography as this can harm the animal's eyes and startle them. This will make you vulnerable to animal attacks.
  5. Do not use your own flashlight to see the animals. Only the guide's flashlight is allowed.
  6. At night, the forest can be colder than usual. So please dress appropriately.

5. Photography and Video

Khao Yai National Park offers beautiful views of mountains and grasslands. Abundant forests, trees, various flowers as well as various wildlife Tourists often want to keep these photos as souvenirs. Taking pictures these days is not difficult with any device to make it more convenient.
Photography and Video in Khao Yai National Park

Tips for photographic equipment: Digital cameras are ideal for capturing nature images. The resolution should be more than 3 megapixels with 3x optical zoom and at least 64 MB of memory with built-in flash in point-and-shoot mode. The battery should be rechargeable and you

Things to keep in mind when photographing nature and wildlife
  • Don't change nature to set the scene.
  • Please enter the animal first. If your photography will disturb the animals, you should stop, as is the case with laying birds or feeding the chicks.

6. Stargazing

Stargazing is a popular activity in winter because of the clear skies and cool weather. Stargazing spots include open grasslands, Dr. Sing To Training Center, Doctor Ton Chan, Lam Ta Khong Camp, and other open spaces.

Stargazing in Khao Yai National Park

The National Park is a great place for this activity. Beginners do not need telescopes or other expensive equipment. Because astronomy with the naked eye with guidebooks or star maps is already possible. More skilled astronomers should bring high-resolution telescopes to more closely observe the sky.

Choose a pre-sunset stargazing spot with skyline views in every direction, with no trees in the way. when the sky is dark Astronomy can begin in earnest. There are not many stars as your eyes adjust to the darkness. But soon the glory of the night sky was revealed. Surprisingly full of stars Avoid looking at artificial light as this will temporarily damage your night vision and your eyesight will need to adjust.

If you need a torch to view objects or star maps Wrap it in red tracing paper as a filter. Thailand's winter is the best time to see the most stars. because the sky is usually cloudless make a field full of stars Also check the phases of the moon. Because the rising or full moon can cover most of the stars.

There are also astronomical phenomena, such as meteors or lunar eclipses, which are known in advance every year. So please check this information before you go. All national parks are good for astronomy and especially those high up in the mountains.

7. Whitewater rafting

The difficulty level of the rapids

Class I: Easy:
Water moves fast with riffles and small waves. Can paddle with a little practice

Class II: Novice:
straight forward But rocks and medium waves are avoided by trained rowers.

Level III: Intermediate:
Rapid currents with moderate and irregular waves require an increased skill.

Class IV: Advanced:
Intense, powerful yet predictable rapids that require precise handling.

Class V: Expert:
very long rapids have obstacles or are very severe There are dangerous falls that require expertise and experience in boating.

Class VI: Extreme:
Extremes of unpredictability and danger The consequences of the error are severe and assistance may not be timely.

Hin Phoeng Rapids (Class III-V)

Visitors can white water rafting at Kaeng Hin Phong. Which is located at Khao Yai National Park Protection Unit 9 (Sai ​​Yai) Nadi, Prachinburi is the highest rapids of the Sai Yai River, fed by Khao Yai Mountain, which flows from Wang Haeo Waterfall to Hin Phoeng for a distance of 80 km. Hin Phoeng is sandstone. with strong currents in the rainy season forming islands and rocks in the river

Whitewater rafting Hin Phoeng Rapids

The safest part is a distance of 2.5 km. There are 6 rapids, namely, Kaeng Hin Phoeng, Kaeng Phak Nam Lom, Kaeng Wang Bon, Kaeng Luk Suea, Kaeng Wang Sai, and Kaeng Ngu Hao. The highlight of these rapids is the Hin Phoeng which is used as a starting point for rafting. The Stone Shed is a broken stone platform that slides down to create rapids and whirlpools that require good boating skills to negotiate.

Traveling from Hin Phoeng to Khao Yai National Park Protection Unit 9, passes Kaeng Wang Bon, Kaeng Luk Suea, Kaeng Wang Sai and finally Kaeng Ngu Hao, a distance of 2 km, which takes about 2 hours. Class III-V rapids require a raft. 8-10 people

Geology of Hin Phoeng
In addition to being a tourist attraction for water adventures. when the water level drops The rock shelter also has interesting geology to explore. It is a testament to the power of the flow of water that can form and sculpt beautiful patterns. Humpbacked stone bridges and potholes are formed by turbulent currents that smash gravel and sand into holes.

Geology of Hin Phoeng

Geology of Hin Phoeng

The best time for rafting is the rainy season from July to October due to strong currents and strong currents Suitable for those who want to wade through the water.

Use of the service
  1. Contact the rafting service provider.
  2. Walk from Khao Yai National Park Protection Unit 9 (Sai Yai) about 2.5 km to the start of the rapids which takes about 45 minutes.
  3. Sai Yai River Cruise to Khao Yai National Park Protection Unit 9 on a raft for 8-10 people, which takes about 30 minutes.
How to get there: There are two main routes:

Route 1
Take Highway No. 304 from Kabin Buri to Nakhon Ratchasima. From the 11th kilometer main entrance, go straight for 25 km.

Route 2
Take Highway No. 33 from Bangkok (Suwannasorn), turn left onto Highway No. 2041 for about 25 km. Park at Khao Yai National Park Protection Unit 9 (Sai Yai) and continue walking for 2.5 km to Kaeng Hin Phoeng. It takes about 45 minutes.

Rafting Ethics
  1. Wear a helmet and life jacket on the boat or raft.
  2. Check all your equipment before boarding the raft.
  3. Wear comfortable clothing and shoes that aren't too thick or fit in quick-drying fabrics. sandals should be fastened with straps and prepared to get wet.
  4. Bring your jungle survival gear like ropes and torches to deal with unexpected situations. stored in a plastic bag
  5. Practice sitting and balancing on rafts, holding paddles, punting, and rowing rafts.
  6. Explore the streams and currents to assess the difficulty of rafting. before trying to negotiate the tide
  7. Do not extend your arms outside the raft while rafting. because it may cause an accident
  8. If you fall from the raft Try floating with your face up instead of down. Put your feet in front and let the water sweep you across the Rapids before climbing back onto the raft or swimming to the riverbank.
  9. It is important to strictly follow the rules and instructions of the staff.


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