The Most Common Birds in Khao Yai National Park

Khao Yai National Park has 250 species of birds discovered which provide permanent food and habitat. Interesting and frequently seen birds include hornbills, hornbills, pheasants, and various insectivorous birds.

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There are 13 species in Thailand, of which 4 types are available in Khao Yai National Park such as Austen’s Brown Hornbill, Great Hornbill, Oriental Pied Hornbill,and Wreathed Hornbill.

1.Oriental Pied Hornbill
Scientific Name : Anthracoceros albirostris

Oriental Pied Hornbill in Khao Yai National Park

1 of four coraciiform bird species found in Khao Yai park with a black body, white neck, and lower abdomen. there's white skin around the eyes and beak. The beak and casket are ivory to straw. In-flight, black wings with white borders are seen. 

The tail is black and white at the tip. The male features a black mark on the front of the feminine. whereas the feminine is smaller than the male. The casket and therefore the tip of the beak are black. the bottom of the beak is black and brown. The Thai name “Kek” comes from its distinctive name.

Where to find it
Both dry evergreen forest and mixed forest From the plains to 1,400 m.

2. Great hornbill
Scientific Name : Buceros bicornis

Great hornbill in Khao Yai National Park

A large hornbill that can often be seen in Khao Yai. The beak and casket are large and yellow. The face is black and the neck is white or yellowish-white. The breast and upper body are black. The wings are black with a yellow stripe in the middle. 

The feathers of the flight were trimmed in white. and the tail is white and black The male has black fur on the front and red eyes. while the female is not black and has white eyes surrounded by red, loud "Kek" is a common Thai name

Where to find it
Rainforest or dry evergreen forest, dry evergreen forest, hill evergreen forest or deciduous forest

3. Wreathed Hornbill
Scientific Name: Rhyticeros undulatus

Wreathed Hornbill in Khao Yai National Park

The wreathed hornbill is smaller than the oriental pied hornbill and is quite rare. There is a small ridge on the beak while there is still a ridge at the base of the beak both sexes are different 

The male has a yellow bag with a black stripe across it. and the female has a blue bag Black body and a white tail This call is the distinctive "Uk-Uk-Uk".

Where to find it
In the rainforest from the floor plan to 1,800 meters above sea level. but maybe seen in the mixed forest

4.Austen's Brown Hornbill
Scientific Name : Anorrhinus austeni

Austen's Brown Hornbill in Khao Yai National Park

It is the rarest hornbill in Khao Yai National Park. have a small cask And both the cask and beak are yellow-brown. The skin around the eyes is blue. The upper body is brown. And the body below is orange-brown. The tip of the wing has white stripes. 

The tail is brown with a white pointed tip. The neck and thorax of the male are white. The females are brown. The squealing sound, “Waaw”, gathered into a small flock.

Where to find it
Under the canopy of both the rainforest and the mixed forest

Red-breasted Parakeet

Scientific Name: Psittacula alexandri

Red-breasted Parakeet in Khao Yai National Park

A member of the parrot family with a gray head and a black stripe between the eyes. Under the beak, there is a thick black stripe. the body is green pinkish-red chest and its weak point is turquoise. The male's beak is bright red above and black below. 

The female has a black beak. Its sound was a sharp scream. But there are many variations. Found in mixed deciduous and open forests. on agricultural land, orchards, and parks Their main food is seeds, seed pods, fruit, and shoots, and they gather in large numbers.

Where to find it
From the plain to an altitude of 1,220 meters at Lam Ta Khong Camp and the Old Golf Course.

Banded Kingfisher

Scientific Name : Lacedo pulchella

Banded Kingfisher in Khao Yai National Park

This kind of bird is kind of rare in Khao Yai park. it's a bright red beak and an extended tail. The male encompasses a dark brown head. The chest and abdomen area unit is auburn in color. The lower a part of the neck and middle abdomen area unit white. 

whereas the crown and back have black and blue stripes, the female's head, back and tail have black and rufous stripes. very cheap half is white with some black components on the chest and sides they like forests over water and can linger whereas trying to find caterpillars. insects or perhaps little reptiles

Where to find it
Rainforest and mixed forest from the bottom up to one thousand m.

Long-tailed Broadbill

Scientific Name : Lacedo pulchella

Long-tailed Broadbill in Khao Yai National Park

With a black hat that looks like a helmet, it looks cute. There is a yellow mark on the back of the neck. The face and neck are yellow. and its beak is greenish-yellow. wing feathers are green There is a white stripe visible while flying. The tail is bright blue. It is a resident bird of Khao Yai, so it is quite easy to find.

Where to find it
Pha Kluay Campground and many nature trails at Khao Yai National Park.

Green Magpie

Green Magpie in Khao Yai National Park

The green magpie is a cormorant with a bright red beak. It has red eyes and black stripes that look like a mask. On the crown, there is a greenish-yellow color. The upper part of the body is green and the lower part is pale green. The wings on the shoulders are green. 

The wing tip is dark red. Inside the feathers in the middle of the wings are white and black stripes. legs are bright red Under the tail is black alternating with white. The tip of the tail is white.

Where to find it
Doctor Boonsong Camp and around Khao Yai National Park

Orange-breasted Trogon

Orange-breasted Trogon in Khao Yai National Park

This bird has a distinctive orange chest that turns yellow on the tail. The head is greenish-yellow. The back and tail feathers above are reddish-brown. The male has black and white wings. 

The females are light brown and black. The female's head is more greenish-brown. The orange-breasted Trogon is the most common bird in Thailand and prefers high perches.

Where to find it
Doctor Boonsong Camp


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