Discover Many Types of Insects at Khao Yai National Park

1. Fighting giant stag beetle

Scientific Name: Hexarthrius nigritus Lacroix, 1990 (Lucanidae)

Fighting giant stag beetle in Khao Yai National Park.
A pair of Hexarthrius parry

There is a giant fighting deer beetle that can only be found in Khao Yai National Park. Both sexes are completely black. The male has strong jaws split forked. the carapace is smooth The tentacles are bent or tangled. and is the end of the 5 parts, the female is similar to the male but the lower jaw is smaller The headcover is slightly in front of the face, males 48-80 mm. females 38-41 mm.

Where to find it
any light source At night that attracts insects, if you're lucky, you'll find this special species of ladybugs.

2. Orange Oakleaf

Scientific Name: Kallima inachus

Orange Oakleaf in Khao Yai National Park.
Dead Leaf (Kallima inachus)

Orange Oakleaf in Khao Yai National Park.
Kallima inachus

This butterfly resembles a dry leaf with its wings covered. Under both wings there is a brown stripe that looks like the middle of the leaf, making it great for camouflage. The top of the wings is blue with orange stripes. The antennae are dark brown. Can be found in evergreen forests or deciduous forests. but not often

3. Jewelled Nawab

Scientific Name: Polyura delphis delphis

Jewelled Nawab in Khao Yai National Park.
Polyura delphis

This butterfly flew like a jumping horse very quickly. It lives in deep forests and prefers to feed on streams, salt dung, carrion, or dung.


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