Reptiles and Amphibians Check List in Khao Yai National Park

Reptiles and amphibians in Khao Yai National Park Check out the following list to see what types are listed here and how to differentiate them.

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Chinese Water Dragon

Scientific Name: Physignathus cocincinus

Chinese Water Dragon in Khao Yai National Park
Chinese Water Dragon

The Chinese water dragon is the largest species of lizard in Thailand. The normal body color is green. This can turn light green or dark green depending on the environment. Some juveniles have a pretty blue or purple under the chin and on the head. 

When fully grown, the male has a handsome crest on its head which is smaller than the female. Likes to bask in the sun on the branches of the stream. When startled, it runs on two legs with its front legs raised. If there is a serious threat They will dive underwater because they can stay underwater for a long time. They feed on insects, frogs, small fish, and small mammals. and some fruits They can also dive to catch fish.

Tree Monitor

Scientific Name : Varanus bengalensis

Tree Monitor in Khao Yai National Park
Tree Monitor

Similar in appearance to the common monitor lizard (V. Salvator), they belong to the same family, often confused, but the guards are much smaller. and the nostrils are away from the tip of the jaw, which is blunt. And the color of the guard can be brown or black. Unlike conventional monitors with a yellow pattern . . . Also, the factory monitor is not near water.

It does not swim or hunt in water like most chameleons. and not aggressive by living in trees and being a skilled climber It likes to bask in the sun on the branches. but hunting on the ground Open in the dense forest can be seen in the canyon, the daytime hunter clings to the branches to catch the morning sun and hides in the hollows of the trees.

Scale-bellied Tree Lizard

Scientific Name : Acanthosaura lepidogaster

Scale-bellied Tree Lizard in Khao Yai National Park
Scale-bellied Tree Lizard

This reptile is also a chameleon measuring 27 cm from the nose to the tail. Its horns are much shorter than other species and have small spines. Males and females have different colors. The male is green with black specks or white neck stripes. 

There was a black mark on the nape of his neck and his face was covered as if wearing a mask. around the mouth is bright red Females are brown-gray or reddish-brown. They live in forests, in leaf litter, or in small bushes. It feeds on small insects, baby chameleons, and earthworms.

Greater Spiny Lizard

Scientific Name : Acanthosaura armata

Greater Spiny Lizard in Khao Yai National Park
Greater Spiny Lizard

Another chameleon This lizard is 29 cm long, the body is greenish-brown with large cream-red-brown spots. Above each eye, there was a sharp vertebra. with thorns running behind It feeds on insects such as locusts, locusts, and cockroaches.

Gunung Raya Green-crested Lizard

Scientific Name : Bronchocela rayaensis

Gunung Raya Green-crested Lizard in Khao Yai National Park
Gunung Raya Green-crested Lizard

This chameleon measures 13 cm from the tip of the mouth to the base of the tail. The tail is 45 cm long and slender. The eyes are yellow. with some blue stripes behind the mouth and the earmuffs are green It has no thorns on its head. but with a row of short blunt spines at the back of its neck. which is more prominent in the male than in the female. 

The body is dark green with rows of blue dots. The tail is long, slender, and reddish-brown with a dark stripe to the tip. When startled, it can quickly change color to brown or black. Bright green turns dark brown when threatened.

Reticulated Python

Scientific Name: Python reticulatus

Reticulated Python in Khao Yai National Park
Reticulated Python

It is the largest and longest snake in the world, with a large mouth, sharp fangs, and extremely strong jaws. The body is reddish-brown and has a circular pattern of many colors. On the head, there is a black stripe running to the tip of the muzzle. while its abdomen was white Pythons eat almost all animals, such as deer, rabbits, rats, chickens, and birds, sometimes catching fish. 

It is a non-venomous snake that crawls slowly and can be very aggressive. It is tricky at night both on land and on water. and live in burrows or trees that are dark and cool It will come out hunting after several days.

King Cobra

Scientific Name: Ophiophagus hannah

King Cobra in Khao Yai National Park
King Cobra

The largest poisonous snake in the world has a large round head and a hood. It doesn't have a rose like a normal cobra. but tried to intimidate with a similar hissing sound The body is smooth and elongated, mostly reddish-brown and green. but there are other colors The King Cobra's belly is yellowish-white. Under the neck is red or orange. 

Likes to eat other snakes, but also eats rats, frogs, and lizards. It is a vicious snake that may creep slowly but quickly when startled. One-third of the body length is fully erect with the hat unfolded. It lives in the forest and nests to lay eggs. The king cobra will bite and not let go. Much of its venom is a fast-acting neurotoxin. It lays eggs once a year for 20-40 years. It nests in bamboo thickets and hatches and hatches

Vogel's Green Pitviper

Scientific Name : Trimeresurus

Vogel's Green Pitviper in Khao Yai National Park
Vogel's Green Pitviper

This viper is a dangerous and slightly venomous snake similar to other vipers. But one of the largest snakes Around the mouth and under the belly is light green. The tip of the tail is green. It has a small round head with a thermal sensor. and cut his eyes like a cat Its venom is toxic to the blood and kills the victim's muscle tissue.

Asian Leaf Turtle

Scientific Name: Cyclemys dentata

Asian Leaf Turtle in Khao Yai National Park
Asian Leaf Turtle

The head of this turtle is brown or olive green. and there is a black dot on the head On the sides of the head there are yellow or pink stripes. The lower part of the bark is pale or completely black or dark brown. has clear lines.

The junction between the scales on the upper leg and the scales at the ends is curved. The bottom plate is like a hinge. and the bark is 22 cm long. It lives in water, in forest streams, both at low elevations and in mountains. omnivorous food and will eat river plants, fruits, small crabs, and other aquatic invertebrates.

Elongated, Yellow Tortoise

Scientific Name : Indotestudo elongata

Elongated, Yellow Tortoise in Khao Yai National Park
Elongated, Yellow Tortoise

This tortoiseshell is 36 cm long and is humpbacked high. The top is yellow with blue-gray markings. The head is yellow with small dark blue spots. Likes to live in mixed deciduous forests and bamboo forests. Although they mainly eat plants and fruits. but will also eat meat such as carrion and shellfish

Mortensen's Frog

Scientific Name : Hylarana mortenseni

Mortensen's Frog Mortensen's Frog
Mortensen's Frog

This is a medium-sized frog, 50-71 mm long. The ear flaps are clearly visible brown. The main face is slender and not webbed. while the number on the back has a strap almost the entire length The back is brown, yellow-brown, or gray-brown. 

There is a thin ridge running from the nose to the tail on both sides. Underneath there is a brown stripe across the ear. The hind legs have dark gray stripes. the belly is white The neck and chest are brown. It is a common frog with the distinctive word “Ong” that gives it its Thai name. It was first discovered in Koh Chang, Trat Province. It likes to live by streams and rock pools. in the rainforest at low elevations

Berdmore's Chorus Frog

Scientific Name: Microhyla berdmorei

Berdmore's Chorus Frog Berdmore's Chorus Frog
Berdmore's Chorus Frog

Berdmore's chorus frog is small to medium-sized (30-45 mm), with a squat body and a small pointed head. The skin is covered with large and small protrusions. and the skin around the neck is wrinkled The back is gray or grayish-brown. 

There is a dark gourd-like pattern in the middle of the back, the chin is gray, and the abdomen is yellowish-white. The man's chin and upper chest are black. The front and hind legs have a dark pattern. The part above the back has a black dot. 

The front and hind legs are slender and the hind legs are folded against the body, pointing forward and the knees bent. The front numbers have a small black stripe near the base, and the back numbers have almost full straps. At the end of every digit is a round bulge with an elongated slot at the top. Tadpoles are very small and translucent. 

The front of the head is dull with both eyes. Black spots are spread over the skin. mostly in the skull The caudal fin is slender and translucent. The mouth is at the tip of the body. and the oral cavity is small no eyes or beak It lives in burrows near water in the forest.

Capped Frog, Gyldenstolpe's Frog

Scientific Name : Limnonectes gyldenstolpei

Capped Frog, Gyldenstolpe's Frog Capped Frog, Gyldenstolpe's Frog
Capped Frog, Gyldenstolpe's Frog

This frog is 50-60 mm long. The male has a large head. Between the eyes protrudes into a smooth circle. The back and sides do not touch the head, which is a "cover". The body color is dark olive green. There are brown spots on the waist that fade along the legs. 

The belly is light yellow. They breed and lay their eggs in puddles at the edge of streams and canals. by the person responsible for taking care When disturbed, it jumps into the undergrowth rather than into the water. when it jumps into the water It will hide still. does not try to swim like other frogs


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