Khao Yai National Park Plants

The tropical timber covers the central space of ​​Khao Yai park. the range of flora (about 2000 species) surprises newcomers. lofty trees area unit lined with bryophyte, climbers, and flora plants. The tangled trunks of fig trees throttling vines and supporting thorns. 

Delicate ferns, colorful lichens, and dynamic fungi. there's forever one thing unaccustomed to discover within the forest. The park incorporates various communities of plants. There area unit five main sorts of plants:

Dry evergreen forests: These forests cowl the lower slopes of Khao Yai. many vital plant area units were found in this forest, together with dipterocarps and hopia. Bamboo is often found in dry evergreen forests.

Deciduous forests These forests conjointly cowl the lower slopes of Khao Yai. the foremost vital plant species found in deciduous forests area unit the Upsala, Celia, and Lagerstroemia.

Tropical Rainforests: Tropical rainforests cowl more or less seventieth of the park, together with the central regions. The Dipterocarps area unit is a very important species found in these forests.

Rainforest: this sort of forest is over,3000 meters high within the evergreen forest on the hills. The tree area unit is smaller and fertile with ferns, mosses, and echidnas. Lithocarps and Catanopsis area unit is among the foremost vital species found here.

Prairie: These areas unit distinctive habitats and supply year-round grazing for a few park fauna. Meadows offer relief to the complete forest. infectious disease extermination park (burn each year) meadows to forestall tree invasion. and supply grazing areas for cervid, elephants, and bovid year-round. life is voluminous (70 class species, a minimum of seventy-four carnivorous species). and thousands of alternative invertebrates) however area unit is seldom seen, and deer (smaller, maroon, usually in pairs or alone) area unit is usually seen on prairies or in spotlight tours.

Khao Yai forest is filled with wild animals and birds and insects. find and down and ride the edges, tread gently and listen fastidiously to search out real movers and shakers within the forest. Gibbon aroused from sleep in the morning with a tragic voice. 

Quiet and patient walkers could spot tree-dwelling monkeys. A catarrhine is commonly found on the edge. The Elephant area unit is typically seen in seawater or on the streets in the evening. and therefore the lucky holidaymaker would possibly see a tiger in the grassland in the evening.

Musk, squirrels, hedgehogs, and wild boars add selection. Snakes and lizards usually seem, to rustle within the copse as you walk. If you see a snake, treat it perilously. Unless you recognize otherwise! Geckos tend to catch insects on the walls and ceilings of buildings. 

The cicadas ne'er stop groaning. find and down from aspect to aspect to check real moving animals and generators within the forest. that area unit insects and invertebrates some Siamese crocodiles (Crocodylus siamensis) are found at intervals in the park 

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Some believe the crocodiles were free there, whereas others believe they'll be a real wild population. are often} as a result this species can be found at higher altitudes. This species is thus not aggressive towards humans and barely grows higher than three meters (10 feet).

Eagle Wood or Agarwood

Scientific Name : Aquilaria crassna Pierre ex Lecomte
Family: Thymelaeaceae

Eagle Wood or Agarwood in Khao Yai National Park
Aquilaria crassna Pierre ex Lecomte

Evergreen tree, up to 30 m tall. Leaves oval with thin hairs. and fragrant white flowers in bouquets of 4-6 flowers that bloom in summer and bear fruit during May - June The fruit is almost oval, 2.5-3.5 cm long. The oil extracted from the wood of this tree is one of the most expensive aromatic essential oils in the world. Distributed in the rainforest and mixed forest Likes to plant near water, such as on nature trails 1, 2, and 6.

Dipterocarpus gracilis

Scientific Name : Dipterocarpus gracilis Blume
Family : Dipterocarpaceae

Dipterocarpus gracilis in Khao Yai National Park
Dipterocarpus gracilis Blume

Tall squid is found in the rainforest canopy Therefore, it relies on the wind to disperse the seeds. Its seeds have evolved to be long and thin to be blown away by the wind. Deciduous and moist evergreen forests can be observed on every Khao Yai nature trail.

Calamus viminalis (Willd.)

Scientific Name : Calamus viminalis Willd.
Family :  Arecaceae

Calamus viminalis (Willd.) in Khao Yai National Park
Calamus viminalis Willd.

The spiky rhododendron has sharp thorns. The tissue inside is soft, crispy, white, and bitter. The leaves are thorns. The fruit is round and green at first. Ripe yellowish-white with an astringent taste. You can find dry to wet forest

Wild Nutmeg

Scientific Name : Knema globularia (Lam.) Warb.
Family: Myristicaceae

Wild Nutmeg in Khao Yai National Park
Knema globularia (Lam.) Warb

A vigorous perennial growing up to 10-25 m tall. At the base of this tree are tall, rounded bushes. The bark is brown. Inside is pink, young shoots, leaves, and buds have brown bark. The result is a round or oval shape. brown hairy skin It begins to turn green around June to August.d ripens to orange. divided into two halves 

Aphanamixis polystachya (Wall.) R. Parker

Scientific Name: Aphanamixis polystachya (Wall.) R. Parker
Family: Meliaceae

Aphanamixis polystachya (Wall.) R. Parker in Khao Yai National Park
Aphanamixis polystachya (Wall.) R. Parker

An evergreen tree with 3-7 pairs of crowns and dense leaves. Small rounded yellow flowers and spherical fruits, which ripen in three, have three dark brown seeds covered with bright red flesh.


Scientific Name : Schima wallichii (DC.) Korth.
Family: Theaceae

Needlewood in Khao Yai National Park
Schima wallichii (DC.) Korth

A towering tree 35 m tall with a dense crown with single, spiral leaves. The buds have single stems and flowers or clusters on the axils of the leaves. The flower has 5 white petals. The fruit is hard.

Magnolia baillonii (Pierre)

Scientific Name:  Magnolia baillonii Pierre
Family: Magnoliaceae

Magnolia baillonii (Pierre) in Khao Yai National Park
 Magnolia baillonii Pierre

35 m tall tree with short oval leaves. hairs under the leaves The flowers are rounded, white, and fragrant.

Wai Daeng Renanthera coccinea Lour.

Scientific Name :  Renanthera coccinea Lour.
Family : Orchidaceae

Wai Daeng Renanthera coccinea Lour in Khao Yai National Park
 Renanthera coccinea Lour.

It is an orchid that grows from rock crevices and is commonly found in open fields of dry forests in Khao Yai National Park. Orchids grow from the cliffs along Huai Lam Ta Khong stream near Pha Kluai Mai Waterfall. (“Pha Kluay Mai”), the name of the waterfall.

Renanthera coccinea has a long, parallel stem, about 1.5-3 cm. wide 7-8 cm. long to the tip of the concave leaves. it blooms in a bouquet The flowers are crimson and measure 3.5 cm in full bloom. The bell-shaped petals are small. The tip of the petals will protrude long and sharp.

Samek Khao Agapetes bracteata Hook. f. ex C. B. Clarke

Scientific Name : Agapetes bracteata Hook. f. ex C. B. Clarke
Family : Ericaceae

Samek Khao Agapetes bracteata Hook. f. ex C  in Khao Yai National ParkB. Clarke
 Agapetes bracteata Hook. f. ex C. B. Clarke

It is a single-dwelling plant in Thailand. It is a rounded bush, about 2 m tall, with hairs at the ends of the branches, axillary leaves, inflorescences, and petioles. The leaves are oval, 5 cm wide, and the tips are long and pointed. The inflorescence is 5-7 cm long.

It grows on the branches in the evergreen forest at an altitude of 1,200 meters or more, at Khao Rom, Khao Laem, and Khao Khiao.

Moli Siam (Reevesia pubescens var. siamensis (Craib) Anthony)

Scientific Name: Reevesia pubescens var. siamensis (Craib) Anthony
Family: Sterculiaceae

Moli Siam (Reevesia pubescens var. siamensis  b) Anthony) in Khao Yai National Park
Reevesia pubescens var. siamensis (Craib) Anthony

It is the only living plant in Thailand. It is a handsome perennial plant 5-12 m tall. The leaves and young flowers are covered with very fine hair. Oval leaves come to the point. And the bell-shaped flowers are white and pink with a delicate aroma. The fruit is oval, light green, hairy, and hard.

Khreua Phu Ngoen Argyreia mollis (Burm. f.) Choisy

Scientific Name: Argyreia mollis (Burm. f.) Choisy
Family: Convolvulaceae

Khreua Phu Ngoen Argyreia mollis (Burm. f.) Choisyin Khao Yai National Park
Argyreia mollis (Burm. f.) Choisy

A hardy-stemmed climber that can climb up to 10 meters. Young branches have fine, brownish-white hairs. The fruit is oval with a pointed end. One bouquet contains 1-5 purple-pink flowers with white bells. Flowers are 3.5-4 cm in size. Fruits are round, reddish-orange.

Argyreia mollis is a plant with many medicinal properties. All plants can be juiced to make eye lotions to treat infections. The roots can be boiled with water to make a cough syrup. Leaves can be used to treat abscesses.

In soft and evergreen forests, mixed forests, and along walkways and roads in Khao Yai National Park. From the lower area to 1,000 meters above sea level

Euang Nam Tarn  Dendrobium heterocarpum Lindl.

Scientific Name: Dendrobium heterocarpum Lindl. 
Family: Orchidaceae 

Euang Nam Tarn  Dendrobium heterocarpum Khao Yai National Park
Dendrobium heterocarpum Lindl

Episcopal orchid, 15-30 cm long, spear-shaped, 1.5-2.5 cm wide, and 10-16 cm long. Flowers 2-5 in short panicles, 4-5 cm wide in full bloom. Petals and sepals are colored. creamy white to yellow-brown Petals at the mouth is yellow to dark brown with brown stripes, and the flowers are fragrant.

Nervilia khaoyaica Suddee (Watthana & S.W. Gale)

Scientific Name: Nervilia khaoyaica Suddee (Watthana & S.W. Gale)
Family: Nervilia

Nervilia khaoyaica Suddee (Watthana & S.W. Gale)in Khao Yai National Park
Nervilia khaoyaica Suddee (Watthana & S.W. Gale)

It is an orchid that grows from mountain soil at an average height of 733 meters and measures 9 cm from the ground to the flower. It has light greenish-brown sepals. It may be dark brown or red, but all five petals have a green or yellow stripe across the center. surrounded by purple stripes and dots The leaves are heart-shaped and are green or purple in color.

Scutellaria khaoyaiensis A. J. Paton

Scientific Name : Scutellaria khaoyaiensis A. J. Paton 
Family : Lamiaceae

Scutellaria khaoyaiensis A. J. Paton in Khao Yai National Park
Scutellaria khaoyaiensis A. J. Paton

Newly discovered species, 20-40 cm tall, with apex inflorescences. The petals at the base are fused to form a dark blue curved tube. The flower petals have white spots. The oval leaves have jagged edges and pointed spots, and the seeds are brown.

Polypleurum ubonense

Scientific Name :  Polypleurum ubonense 
Family : Podostemaceae

Polypleurum ubonense in Khao Yai National Park
Polypleurum ubonense

This recently reported cultivar is a hard-rooted herbaceous plant. The leaves are small and scaly. flowers are very small A single flower at the tip has only two petals. It grows on rocks with fast-flowing water such as streams and waterfalls. and adjusted to be underwater during the rainy season When the water level drops, it will be visible. But it is often overlooked for its small size.

On the rocks under the Lam Ta Khong stream that leads to Pha Kluai Waterfall and Kaeng Hin Phong. in the southern area of ​​Khao Yao National Park

Monolophus saxicola (K. Larsen) Veldkamp & Mood

Scientific Name :  Monolophus saxicola (K. Larsen) Veldkamp & Mood 
Family : Zingiberaceae 

Monolophus saxicola (K. Larsen) Veldkamp & Mood in Khao Yai National Park
 Monolophus saxicola (K. Larsen) Veldkamp & Mood 

It grows every year on moist stones with yellow flowers.


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